Living wisely with wellness today onwards


Dr. Mitaali Shukla

an Ayurvedic physician from India

I’m Dr. Mitaali Shukla, an Ayurvedic physician from India. I completed formal studies in Ayurveda with a 5.5 year course that ended May of 2016, although my experiences with the science of life began far earlier.

I developed an interest in Ayurveda by living it. From my childhood, I learnt the basic principles of Ayurveda as exemplified by my parents. This was indeed in practice – by adapting them and allowing them to shape our daily life – not just in theory. Formal studies refined my knowledge, which was enhanced in turn by my interest.

In the years since graduation, I have worked on multiple facets of sharing Ayurveda with the world. I have consulted with people to cure existing diseases, to maintain their state of wellness, and on prevention of potential diseases. Additionally I have conducted therapies, counseling, and created individualised holistic approaches to realise the results of my consultations. I have conducted theoretical and practical training for several hundred hours on the concepts and basic applications of Ayurveda. I have written articles which serve to educate on the same. I have been involved in and responsible for – over the span of these years and at varied times – quality assurance, standardisation, and administration overseeing all the components required to generate a system of ideal healthcare.


Having experienced these aspects, I find direct engagement to be the most rewarding, yet I find it to be an insufficiently provided service. Healthcare is about every aspect of a person and their life, not just the disease – a holistic concept of Ayurveda which feedback has revealed to me as sorely lacking in many institutions of healing across many countries. The general practice appears to encourage minimal contact with medical experts which leaves people confused, concerned, and looking for answers they’re not qualified to interpret on the internet. When they do come across personalised medical attention, it not only assuages their concerns – the connection between physician and patient affords a deeper sense of well being.


This is what I believe everyone should have access to, and this is what I would like to offer – direct engagement with a qualified physician who considers each individual holistically, hears their concerns out and not just instructs but is involved in the customised approach advised to address said concerns. I wish to additionally improve the quality of life of these individuals by offering basic education on maintenance of health and balance.

How may I help you? Please email with subject ayurvedic consultation